Dear Queen Elizabeth,

I felt a deep connection with your soul after you had departed.

I had not known you had passed away the afternoon of the 8th of September. On the morning 9th of September, I woke up to memories of my life in Scotland in the 1980s. My husband and I had first set up a home after marriage. And where in Aberdeen I gave birth to my first child, a son, and where both my children began school.

Later that morning on BBC news, I learned of your passing away. I wanted to be close to you, so I began to view photos of you, the Balmoral Castle grounds, and the hills online for some hours. Scotland, its pristine highlands, lochs, and the sound of bagpipes remains entrenched in my heart. Over the next four days, I followed your motorcade closely to Edinburgh.

Ma’am, you were an embodiment of the spirit of the Sacred Lotus – The Flower of the Gods! May God bless your afterlife - with an awakening of Humanity for “Compassion for the Earth Being” and Hope and Peace on Earth through the Sacred Lotus.

May you rest in peace.


Thaya Kulenthran
