Thayanithi Kulenthran

In the July of the year 2006, an idea “DayAnidhi Earth" was conceived in a Lotus Garden home BY AN Asian woman, a woman of SRI LANKAN TAMIL HERITAGE AND Indian origin.

The word DayAnidhi when translated, means a treasure of compassion and kindness. DayAnidhi is a Sanskrit word of an ancient language. DayAnidhi verbalised manifests good vibrations.


Dayanidhi Earth is a deep and compassionate feeling, accompanied by sustained effort by One Woman - Thayanithi Kulenthran, who was spiritually awakened in the early 2000’s to feel that the Earth needs embracing with Love and Compassion. Because the Earth is a Supreme Living Being - ordained by our Creator upon which Humanity depends for our existence, continued survival, and spiritual evolution.

The Earth provides us with vital life-supporting services that we take for granted. Rarely ever feeling or expressing gratitude to the Earth. And yet the services the Earth provides and supports us with are the basic needs for a human life of well-being, contentment, and peace. 

Undeniably, if the Earth supports life, providing us with our vital needs and those of other living and sentient beings, the Earth must indeed have a Soul we could be communicating with. If and when we awaken to this consciousness, we will desire to live with love, compassion, and deep respect for the Earth. We will feel an immense sense of responsibility towards the Earth and be inspired emotionally to live a life governed not by material and economic needs. But still met nevertheless, but on a simple and smaller scale. A consciousness begins, segments of Humanity are gradually transformed - albeit over a long period. Those who change evolve to a higher state of Being.

Reconnect people with the Earth
That they are one with their inner consciousness
Their Souls begin to listen
To the Spirit and Voices of the Earth
And respond with Compassion towards Earth

A deep consciousness begins, evolves, and spreads
The bountiful Earth responds,
Giving us not what we want,
But what we need most.


There is nothing more powerful than an idea when its time has come.

And if that idea emerged because of cosmic intervention and guidance, then indeed the power of that idea is tremendous.  Dayanidhi Earth – “Compassion for Earth”, with a Sanskrit word that carries with it powerful cosmic vibrations each time it is sounded, is that idea Thayanithi - Thaya Kulenthran refers to – the movement the world needs for the 21st century.

Thaya Kulenthran awoke to the idea of DayAnidhi Earth in 2006. She had a series of uncanny experiences of a cosmic vividness since 1994 and subsequently in her Lotus Garden Home.

Dayanidhi Earth builds upon Thaya’s span of life, living and work experiences during a forty-six-year adulthood. A life centred around home and garden and the immediate and priority needs of the family - children, husband, and elderly parents. Dayanidhi Earth builds on Thaya's intuition and courage to live a life of relative simplicity and quiet while involved with the trials of modern life - a life of looking within - a life that is kind to the Earth in creating small ecological footprints.

Dayanidhi Earth is the platform where Thaya's ideas are being designed, developed and implemented to create the movement of "Compassion for the Earth Being" through 'Being an Earth Carer'.

DayAnidhi Earth was founded and is led by one woman: Thayanithi Kulenthran.

It is based on a lifetime of one woman connecting with the Soul of the Earth and the divinity that resides within each and every-one of us.