Earth Day 2022 - Compassion for the Earth Being

Tree Posters and 1st Children’s Class on “Compassion for the Earth Being”

Leading up to this Earth Day 2022, I invited a small team of people - 4 other adults and myself and 3 children who would contribute towards DayAnidhi Earth’s next set of Tree Posters. I also held my 1st class for children aged 7-10 years old on “Compassion for the Earth Being” . Over the past two years I got to know well three children who live in my neighbourhood. Through informal meet up sessions, I educated them on an aspect of the earth, environmental awareness, wildlife etc in our neighbourhood community. I felt they were ready for a class on “Compassion for the Earth Being”. The class was also a prelude to a piece of art work that I had asked them to do for Earth Day 2022 based on the theme “ Compassion for the Earth Being” .

Presented below is a photo of the art work that the children subsequently came up with, a poster photo with a caption - a quote by William Wordsworth put together by two 30++ year old adults based in Melbourne, Australia and a poster of a NASA image of Earth. Woodwork and display of posters was done by an elderly gentleman in his early 70’s.

Thayanithi Kulenthran

Steering Compassion for the Earth Being

Note: Tree posters were first begun in April 2021. The next set was put up in December 2021. They were posted on two trees outside the premises of DayAnidhi Earth with the objective of educating the neighbourhood community; focussing primarily on neighbourhood walkers, friends and family who drop by and car drivers who drive slowly.

Tree Posters highlighting Compassion for the Earth Being (Location : Outside and in front of DayAnidhi Earth)

Art Work by Suchal, Sikhinder and Siddharth

Photograph poster by Steve and Romila